Friday, January 25, 2008

Afternoon in the Heat

I revisited a story that I worked on last spring on Wednesday. The place is the biggest greenhouse you've ever seen in you life. It goes on until you can't really see where it ends. Inside it was about 75 degrees and the sun was shining. Perfect. I wandered around and found where they do "clippings" so I could actually see some people. Apparently, there are stock plants in countries all around the equator; Kenya, Costa Rica, etc. They clip tiny pieces off these plants and mail them all over the world, including Bob's Greenhouses and Markets in Mason, WV. They take these little clippings and put them upright in a special soil mix. The clipping roots and presto change-o, you have a whole new, independent plant. I spent some time with Georgina, "Dordie", and a few of the people that she works next to. It was a fun day and I was ready to drop out of school and get a job there. The people are great and I loved the atmosphere.

1 comment:

Anna Edwards said...

I really like the way these came out, I think you really built on what you had from the first time around. Nice job : D